Important to know about Jet Lag before your Flight Trip

Jet lag is caused by switching to a different sleeping/waking schedule and different daylight hours. But it happens when crossing two or more time zones in a single flight . The more time zones you cross, the more likely you are to be sleepy and sluggish. If you are an older adult, jet lag may hit you harder and recovery may take longer. Now these days people have been flying across time zones is very common. But we should not forget that our body is not designed to travel long distances at high speeds. This result is called “circadian rhythm disorder.” And we call it jet lags. We observe the people sitting around me and how devastating a time zone change can be. For frequent fliers and international travelers, jet lag is too familiar. Disturbed sleep, daytime fatigue, difficulty concentrating and functioning, and even stomach problems is very common. Doing things correctly can be very useful for jet lag: Take a good night’s sleep before your flight trip , a...